Medisolv Blog on Healthcare Quality Reporting and Analytics for Hospitals and Physicians

MIPS Year Two: 13 Things to Know [SLIDESHOW]

Written by Erin Heilman | Nov 3, 2017 4:00:00 AM

As October closed, CMS announced a new initiative called the "Patients Over Paperwork" initiative. The goal is to reduce the regulatory reporting burden put on clinicians. CMS wants to continue their transition to paying for value and quality, but redefine what it means to pay for value and quality. Their new initiative “aims to focus on outcome-based measures going forward, as opposed to trying to micromanage processes.”

In the same week, CMS dropped the Quality Payment Program (QPP) final rule for year two. This new initiative is reflected in the changes found within the 1,653-page final rule. Based on the new requirements, it's clear that CMS is attempting to ease the transition into QPP for all clinicians and provide relief to small practices.

Also see: CMS QPP Year 2 Final Rule Executive Summary

We have pulled together the top 13 significant highlights from the final rule. Here’s what you can expect for MIPS in 2018.

(Use the arrows on the side of the slide to navigate between slides. Or download the PDF version.)



What’s in store for MIPS year three?

In this free educational webinar, we discuss who is eligible for the MIPS program in 2019 and what’s required for successful completion of the program. We also outline strategies that will help your providers gear up for their best reporting year yet.

Here’s what's covered in this webinar:

  1. Changes made in the 2019 final rule for the Quality Payment Program
  2. Reporting requirements for MIPS
  3. How the final score is calculated
  4. Best practices for preparing your clinicians for a successful quality reporting year

Speaker info:
Denise Scott
Director of Ambulatory Service 
Medisolv, Inc