This week we are talking about contraindication documentation for eCQMs (or “the dreaded negation,” as we like to call it here at Medisolv). While it’s not exactly a favorite topic by anyone’s stretch of the imagination, having a good process in place for capturing contraindications is one of the key things a hospital can do in order to improve their eCQM results. That’s because most eCQM logic references contraindication which, if documented correctly in the EHR, will prevent the patient from failing the measure and ultimately improve performance.
What is contraindication?
Contraindication is documentation of why something wasn’t done. Depending on the measure, this documentation will put the patient in one of several eCQM populations—Numerator, Exception or Exclusion. For instance, with STK-6 (Discharged on Statin Medication), if the clinician determines there is a medical reason not to prescribe a statin medication upon a patient’s discharge and the clinician doesn't document that reason (in a structured field, mapped to the appropriate codes), the patient will fail the measure. On the other hand, documentation of this reason will qualify the patient for the Exception population and will improve your measure results.
Also see: What Makes up an eCQM?
What makes contraindication difficult?
On its surface, capturing contraindication may not seem complicated. However, this documentation has been difficult to implement and a challenge to sustain compliance.
Why? Well, for clinicians, contraindication falls into the unnecessary burden category. In the past, clinicians might make a note that they didn’t prescribe the statin medication for some reason and an abstractor could use all of the documentation on the patient’s record to assess whether or not there had been some type of contraindication documentation made.
With eCQMs, all documentation must be in a structured field. That means no dictated notes, no free text fields and no sticky notes on a patient’s file. At the very least, it’s one additional click a clinician must make to indicate the reason they didn’t do something (not exactly a time-saver for the clinician).
There is one other factor. In addition to documenting why something wasn’t done, contraindication documentation requires clinicians to document what “therapy” (medication order, education, etc.) would have been done if they had not decided to not do the thing they marked they weren’t doing. Yeah, that sentence didn’t make any sense. So here goes.
You remember OJ Simpson’s terrible book called If I Did It? It’s kind of like that. It makes you think, “Are you kidding me?”
You should have heard me trying to explain this to clients in the early stages of their eCQM implementation journey. I used to start the call with, “Now, don’t hate me…”
The “therapy” documentation is only used for the purposes of submission to CMS for the Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) program. It allows CMS to match up the contraindication reason with what therapy is being contraindicated when you submit your eCQM data in QRDA files.
The changing Contraindication process
Documenting the therapy that would have been done is one example of documentation that felt unnecessary to the clinician. There is good news though! CMS has changed the requirement for capturing the documentation. Previously, the “therapy” documentation had to be captured with a specific code from the value set, which means a clinician had to select the EXACT therapy they would have ordered. CMS changed this requirement so hospitals can link the “therapy” OID (value set identifier) to the documentation of why a medication was not ordered.
Although a clinician still needs to document the contraindication reason, that contraindication documentation can now link to both the SNOMED code for the contraindication as well as the OID that represents the “therapy” code. So, now the process is much simpler:
(If you are thoroughly confused, I suggest reading this blog on the elements that make an up an eCQM, taking a nap and then start this blog from the beginning.)
This year, CMS changed all of the OID codes for the "therapy" value sets. This means that if you have not done so already, you’ll need to re-map any contraindication data elements that are mapped to the old (2017) codes so that your eCQM reports can provide accurate results for 2018.
Once you get it all mapped, and you have built any necessary documentation for the physicians, the hardest part about the contradiction process is getting physicians to comply. As you may have read in a previous post, our clients have an 80-90% average rate for their eCQM results. So, this can definitely be done successfully and without overburdening Quality, IT or your clinicians.
Also see: Key Takeaways from 2017 eCQM Reporting
To wrap up today’s post, I’m going to share a few of the best practices from our most successful hospitals.
For more information about how Medisolv can help you with your eCQM needs, check out our ENCOR solution, which is more than just a software. Each hospital is paired up with a Clinical Expert, like me, who will help you navigate tricky elements such as contraindication documentation. Send us an email with any additional questions you have about our solutions.
Get Ahead and Improve Your QualityMedisolv Can Help We've seen some big changes in the CMS eCQMs. With Medisolv as your partner we help guide you through every new change along the way. Talk with us about how we can help you track and improve your quality performance on measures like the safe use of opioids. Blog Post: "What Makes Up an eCQM?" |